Learning to play the game

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 2, 2015

0601-spt-Jerry-Davis-instru 0601-spt-John-Parker-Hardy- 0601-spt-Landon-Kelley-and- 0601-spt-Sawyer-Hardy-back-

Kids from all over Covington County signed up for Pleasant Home’s summer basketball camp put on by the Eagles’ coaches and players in the Frank Ray Garner gym.




More than 30 kids were in attendance on day one.




The players and coaches broke the kids up in to five groups, and took turns teaching different skills on basketball development.




Head coach Troy Turman taught players the proper way to set up in a triple-threat stance, and how to pivot with the ball.




Lady Eagles’ head coach Jerry Davis and the Lady Eagles’ Camille Holley demonstrated proper shooting stances, and shooting form.




Former Alabama player Sarah Kelley and River Baldwin taught the kids how to dribbling and ball handling skills.




Former Pleasant Home coach Kelley Garner worked with the players on how to properly execute different types of passes.




Current Eagles’ players Robert Scott and Tyler Myrick taught the players how to play a competitive game of gotcha.




“It went really well today,” Turman said, “The kids all had a lot of fun, and I could tell they were excited to come back tomorrow. We worked on a lot of different things, and learned a lot of fundimentals. We ended the day with a competive game of hot shot. We also did some half court drills. I’m excited about the rest of the week.”






