Pleasant Home head coach enjoys teaching young players

Published 12:05 am Saturday, July 2, 2016

Pleasant Home head basketball coach Troy Turman instructs young players during camp.

Pleasant Home head basketball coach Troy Turman instructs young players during camp.

The Pleasant Home Eagles recently put on successful youth basketball camp under the tutelage of head boy’s basketball coach Troy Turman.

“The kids had a blast,” Turman said. “We had a lot of kids show up for the camp. Most where from Pleasant Home, but we had a few from all over.”

This was the second year that Turman has held the camp.

“We’ve been doing this camp for two years now,” Turman said. “It keeps getting better every year. The kids have really been extremely receptive to it, and I hope that it continues to grow and improve.”

Turman said that the main focus of the camp was to teach the basics of basketball.

“Our big focus was on fundamentals,” Turman said. “We taught agility, form running and mechanics to be a better athlete. We had three coaches that worked with the kids for three hours a day for three days. The kids gained valuable insight from all the coaches, and we made sure to teach them things that they could use on their own after the camp was over.”

Other basketball basics were also a focal point of the camp, Turman said.

“We worked a lot on things like shooting, ball handling and passing,” Turman said. “Aside from drills and things, we also had games and stuff to make it fun for the kids. We had various skill competitions at the end of each session. The main thing we wanted was for the kids to not only learn about basketball, but enjoy themselves while they were there.”

Turman said that he likes doing camps like this for many reasons.

“One thing about the camp, I can use to get to know the kids in the area,” Turman said. “By the time kids get into junior high, I want to know them and know what kind of players they can be. Basketball is a game that I’ve had a passion for my entire life, and that’s something that I want to pass on to these kids. A lot of these kids are going to be the future of Pleasant Home basketball, and I want them to be prepared when they get into high school”

When the camp came to end, Turman said that the kids enjoyed themselves, and that it was another successful camp for his staff.

“They all seemed to really enjoy it,” Turman said. “Every kids got a camp T-shirt, basketball and a pamphlet to take