Farmers visit Washington

Published 1:07 am Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Morale was high as nearly 140 Alabama farmers returned from the nation’s capital March 7-10, buoyed by promises of regulatory reform and increased interest in agricultural issues.

Alabama Farmers Federation members were in Washington, D.C., March 7-10 to meet with Alabama’s U.S. Senators and Representatives where they discussed immigration and regulatory reform, biotechnology, the Endangered Species Act and the upcoming farm bill. Covington County’s Ricky Wiggins of Andalusia, left, was among members who had breakfast with Rep. Martha Roby.

“Being in D.C. confirmed my belief that agriculture will experience real change under the Trump administration,” Alabama Farmers Federation President Jimmy Parnell.

Speakers during the 2017 Washington Legislative Conference continually hit home the importance of immigration and regulatory reform, trade, biotechnology and the farm bill.

Attendees met with Alabama’s U.S. representatives during Congressional breakfasts Thursday, followed by meetings with U.S. Sens. Richard Shelby and Luther Strange, who serves on the Senate Agriculture Committee.