SETTING HIGH EXPECTATIONS: Skipper pleased with RLHS spring training

Published 12:05 am Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Red Level Tigers wrapped up spring training last week, and new head coach Kenny said he was pleased with what he saw from his team.

“We really didn’t have a lot of time for spring,” Skipper said. “We only went out four days, but I was excited about what I saw.”

Skipper said the players seemed eager to compete during spring.

“The thing I noticed the most was just how hard they worked,” Skipper said. “They really got after it. There was some confusion because there was a lot new things going on. It’s going to be a process, but they busted their tails every step of the way during spring practice. They are hungry to improve and I was impressed with how they got after it in the little bit of time that we had.”

While seeing a lot of positives, Skipper said he noticed some things that the Tigers must improve on.

“The main thing we have to do is get stronger,” Skipper said. “We are behind a little from where we should be and we have to spend more time in the weight room. The second thing is that I want us to be known as a physical team. Those two things kind of go hand-in-hand.”

Skipper said he spent time stressing the importance of getting in the weight room.

“It’s very important that we increase attendance to summer workouts,” Skipper said. “I’ve stressed to them the importance of getting stronger. They will have a week off and then we will hit the weight room hard beginning June 5.”

Many players impressed the first-year head coach, but Skipper said a couple of guys really caught his eye.

“Cale Mancill had a really good spring,” Skipper said. “He is eager to learn and he really impressed me with how he approaches practice. We were throwing a lot of new stuff at him and he handled himself well. A’Keym Nicholson also had a good week. He is a big strong guy that will play defensive end and running back. There were a lot more that had good weeks, but those two really stood out.”