RLS QB club reorganized
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 2, 2011

Some 50 people showed at the reorganizational meeting Thursday of the Red Level Quarterback Club. The club will elect officers at its next meeting, which is Thurs., July 14 in the RLS auditorium. | Andrew Garner/Star-News
The quarterback club is back in action at Red Level.
Some 50 alumni, parents and team fans gathered Thursday night in the auditorium at the school to have an organizational meeting.
“We need to get this quarterback club back together,” RLS head football coach Tony Ingram said at the start of the meeting. “Right now, the school has a club on paper.
“We need it, the kids need it,” he said. “I really want to get this thing going again.”
For the last three years, RLS has had an athletic boosters club that oversees all sports. The quarterback club will be just for football, Ingram said.
Scott Jernigan, who graduated from RLS in 1998 and played football, approached Ingram and asked if a quarterback club could be restarted.
“I take pride in being from Red Level,” Jernigan said. “I want to give back. We always had a quarterback club (when I was a player).
“We want to give them a fighting chance,” he said.
Jernigan said it feels great to be on the other side of things in helping the football players out.
“It’s like it’s your duty,” he said. “I feel good about helping out anyway I can.”
Johnny Odom, RLS principal, said he was all for the idea to bring the quarterback club back to the school.
“I think not just monetarily, but community support-wise, it’ll help out a lot,” Odom said. “(Ingram) came and asked me, if it would be ‘OK if I did that.’ And I told him, ‘absolutely.'”
Even supporters who didn’t graduate from RLS want the quarterback club to provide support for the program.
“It’s important for our kids,” Kevin Kennedy, a 1990 Andalusia High School graduate whose son plays on the RLS football team said. “We want our kids to have the opportunities that all other kids have. We want them to have nice stuff. We don’t want them to be embarrassed on the field.
“We want them to have good, safe equipment and new equipment,” he said.
Ingram said the 50 people that showed up at the meeting Thursday night is a small indicator of the overall interest in bring the quarterback club back to Red Level.
“I had a lot people send me messages letting me know that they weren’t going to be there, that they were out of town,” Ingram said. “They told me to let me know how to sign up.”
At the meeting Thursday night, the group decided to elect officers at their next meeting, which will be Thurs., July 14, at 7 p.m. in the auditorium.